Restoring opportunity for those re-entering life after prison

One journey ends. Another begins.

The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. In Missouri alone, 49,700 of our residents are behind bars in our state prisons, jails, and federal penal system (Prison Policy Initiative) and 97% of them will return to society (Missouri Dept. of Corrections). Think about that for a second. There’s a good chance you’ve stood next to a formerly incarcerated individual in line at the grocery store, sat next to them at the movies or even struck up a conversation at your child’s bus stop.

Yet, we are ill-prepared to help people who were formerly involved in the justice system transition back into the community once they’ve served their sentence.

They face roadblocks to housing, employment, education, financial resources, family reunification and so much more. Journey to New Life works to remove those roadblocks and restore opportunity to those re-entering life after prison. Given the opportunity, we believe they can become successful, contributing — and valued — members of our community. All it takes is a solid chance to begin again.

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First Decade of Our Journey

Father Waris Thank You

Father Waris Irish Open 2023


Read more about our successful event!


Spring 2022 - Reflections on the Journey
Spring 2022 • Reflections on the Journey • Honoring Georgia's Legacy
Spring 2022 • Reflections on the Journey • Faye's Story: The Journey to Pardon Continues



First Stop Services

Case Management

Benefits Assistance - SOAR

Employment Services