VISTA Program Combines Profession with Purpose

VISTA Progam Combines Profession with Purpose • Cenyeaa Williams

Meet Cenyeaa. She’s a fall 2019 AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) member at Journey to New Life. Cenyeaa joined the organization through a valuable partnership with AmeriCorps, a national network of service programs that allows members to commit their time to improving lives and fostering civic engagement — while gaining real-world, on-the-job experience.

As an AmeriCorps VISTA member, Cenyeaa focuses her time on capacity-building programs that free up team members so they can focus more of their time on providing direct services to clients like emergency assistance, housing and case management.

Cenyeaa’s main project for her 12-month term is to build an effective and sustainable volunteer engagement and outreach program. In doing so, she’s not only helping recruit and retain volunteers for the organization, she’s also helping create awareness of all of the services provided and deepening relationships with constituents who are critical to Journey to New Life’s success. Plus, she’s getting professional experience to add to her resumé while fulfilling her desire to do something with purpose — a great way to combine.

Cenyeaa Williams

Profession with purpose.

To simply say Cenyeaa brings valuable knowledge and passion to her role would be an oversimplification of her accomplishments. Cenyeaa earned an Associate of Science from Neosho County Community College in Chanute, Kansas, while on a basketball scholarship. She went on to achieve a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Theology from the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, Kansas. As if that weren’t enough, in May 2019, she graduated from Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, with a Master of Science in Education with an emphasis in Higher Education-Student Affairs (HESA). She was also awarded the Diversity Ally and Distinguished Graduate Award.

While Cenyeaa’s role as an AmeriCorps VISTA member limits her exposure to some direct services, she says she enjoys and values the opportunity and experience to connect with donors, volunteers and partners.

“There are limits to the services that I can engage with on a day-to-day basis,” Cenyeaa said. “But one component of direct service I’ve experienced is our partnership with Flourish Furnishings. This partnership is very important for our clients. It’s an essential stop on their journey to begin again.” The partnership with Flourish Furnishings helps provide essential home furnishings to individuals in need of housing stability.

When Cenyeaa began her own journey as an AmeriCorps VISTA member, she didn’t expect to experience things like direct case management as a Volunteer Coordinator. The experience has given her a newfound interest in advocacy, and she says the end of her 12-month AmeriCorps VISTA term won’t be the end of her involvement with Journey to New Life.

“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is how to be an active advocate for criminal justice reform.” she said. “I am committed to do so by soliciting resources like hygiene items, food and clothing so when people begin their journey they don’t have to worry about the basic human necessities. When my AmeriCorps term ends, I will still be committed to serving Journey to New Life.”

Do you, or someone you know, want to get involved? Get in touch today!


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