Volunteering Runs in the Family

Volunteering Runs in the Family
The programs offered at Journey to New Life are only made possible because of a community of like-minded, committed and compassionate donors, volunteers, partners and valued team members. Without their help, It simply wouldn’t be possible to give individuals returning to the community from prison the power to change. It’s our strong community of givers — many of whom humbly seek no recognition or gratitude — who make it possible every day for someone to enter our door and embark on their new journey.

It’s people like the Coppinger family who have managed to make volunteering just part of their family fabric.

Tom and Virginia Coppinger began volunteering at Journey to New Life when our group living home, Journey House, welcomed its first residents in 2015. Shortly after, the Coppingers started a tradition of hosting a Christmas meal for all the residents at Journey House. Now, many members of the Coppinger family get involved with the meal, including their son, Steve, and his wife, their daughter, Mary Orndoff, and her husband along with their grandchildren. The meal is a generous effort by itself. But the Coppingers don’t stop there. They also make sure each resident receives a Christmas bag made up of essentials like robes, slippers, makeup kits, books and even homemade candies and fudge. Plus, there’s always a Christmas stocking available for the former residents of Journey House who may stop by during the Christmas season.

But, again, the Coppingers don’t stop there. Both Tom and Virginia serve on the Event Committee for Journey to New Life’s annual fundraising event in the spring, and they have brought in many valuable donors along the way. Mary has also been instrumental in securing food donations weekly for the house as well as getting turkeys donated for Thanksgiving for Journey to New Life’s clients and getting the annual fundraising event catered — all courtesy of Consentino’s Price Chopper, Thanks to Mary, Journey House also gets other weekly food donations that are collected by Natural Grocers and Sprouts.

Steve Coppinger, Tom and Virginia’s son, engages the next generation of young professionals in Journey to New Life’s mission by inviting a minimum of 30 young adults to the annual fundraiser as his guest. He also serves on the Event and Development Committees.

The Coppingers, whether they know it or not, are a family that sets a clear example that families who serve together stay together.

For them, and every single individual, family or organization who make up our valuable community, we — and our clients — are truly grateful. Thank you.

If you, or someone you know, would like to volunteer, send us your information.


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