Workforce Development During Uncertain Times

Workforce Development During Uncertain Times
As you can imagine, this has been an extremely trying time for many of our clients. Some were just beginning their journey when the pandemic changed the world as we know it. Like so many, they lost their jobs. Yet, unlike so many, they weren’t eligible for many of the unemployment and stimulus programs available to the masses. Watch our video. The uncertainty of whether their jobs — or any jobs — will be there when any semblance of normalcy returns is a heavy weight to carry on top of the already heavy weights that former offenders face when returning to the community from prison.

Journey to New Life offers a broad range of Workforce Development training and employment resources. through a partnership with the Bishop Sullivan Center. We work closely with our clients through ongoing case management to help them not only obtain employment but also learn some of the soft skills necessary to retain, grow and advance in a job once they find one. A regular paycheck along with opportunities to continue to learn new skills and potentially advance in a job are incredibly empowering. Thanks to our partnership with the Bishop Sullivan Center and a great community of local employers, many of our clients are placed in stable jobs soon after they re-enter the community. Work helps give them the power to change.

Former offenders who land gainful employment after incarceration are much less likely to reoffend. Work gives our clients structure, purpose, confidence and the means to live independently — and sustainably — as well as make a positive contribution to society. Sometimes we take for granted how important work really is to our self-worth and sense of purpose.

“For our clients, working and being able to sustain independent living is a key factor in their success once they return to the community from prison,” said Susie Rolling, Director of Operations at Journey to New Life. “They face so many difficult challenges coming out of prison and so much stigma. Through our network of local employers, we are able to help them find employment and overcome the biggest one. Earning an income, and the responsibility that goes along with it, is a lifeline.”

Indeed, many Journey to New Life clients report that employment is the most important stepping stone to their success outside of prison. During this time of uncertainty many are left jobless, but they are turning their anxiety into productivity by taking online courses or researching online learning opportunities. “We’re encouraging them to take as many free, online courses anytime they can to expand their skillset,” said Rolling.

Journey to New Life is constantly looking for new partners in our community to work with us and our clients. We screen all of our clients and work closely with our local employers to place the right people in the right jobs. If you own a business and would like to engage in our mission to give former offenders the power to change, get in touch today.


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